Houses doubling as locations for porn shoots is common in the Los Angeles area. While it’s likely good money to rent out your crib, it leaves a mess. Nevertheless, on the other side of the country, a piece of porn history is for sale in the form of the house that was used in ‘Deep Throat.’

MNSBC reports the Coconut Grove, Fla. home that was used for two of the most infamous scenes in the legendary porn film ‘Deep Throat’ is on the market. The property, built in 1961 and situated near Miami, is priced at $1.75 million on .62 of an acre of land. Size and condition aside, the home is a crucial part of our cultural history, especially for pervs!

The abode was built and owned by Baron Joseph “Sepy” De Bicske Dobronyi. He died in 2010.

The office of the doctor that actress Linda Lovelace visits (only to find out that her clitoris is located in her throat) in the film is on the mansion grounds, in one of its cottages. So there is a doctor’s office right on your property, which is great, considering you’re bound to catch something from this house.


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