This past Tuesday marked the twenty-fifth anniversary of Metallica bassist Cliff Burton's death.  In an interview with Revolver, the band's drummer Lars Ulrich remembers him fondly:

Revolver asked Ulrich "What do you remember about the first time you saw him [Cliff Burton]?"  Lars replied:

I had just never really seen anything quite like it. It was just unique and so original. And there was just this incredible stage presence and this uniqueness to the whole vibe. I had just never seen anything like it. It was new, it was different. And obviously you could tell there was an incredible ability, and there was a stage presence, and all this type of stuff wrapped up in this incredible type of personality. And I think we were a little intimidated by him in the beginning because he was just so unique.

Lars was intimidated?  WOW.  You can tell why when you check out Burton's final solo:

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