Meet Chrysis, a SuicideGirl who hates shower curtains and liars and can’t live with espresso. 

Name: Chrysis

Location: Ohio

Occupation: Perpetual Accidental Melter of Things. Veterinary technician. Facebook creeper.

Stats: Loved it. You can borrow my notes.

Heroes: My brother. Anderson Cooper. Henry Rollins. Kay Redfield Jamison. Elizabeth Warren.

Favorite position: Little spoon.

Sign: Slow down.

Cigarettes: Nope

My diet: Omnivore

Alcohol: Nope

My drug use: Drug Free

My kink factor: I’ll try anything once, especially if you beg for it.

My politics: Bleeding-heart Liberal.

My status: Single

My idea of a good time: Reading at the coffeeshop.

Into: World events, social avoidance, grammar, straight-edge, going fast, veterinary medicine, coffee, sushi, old dogs, smarties — and not the candy, baking a cake for every reason, stirring up trouble, brain-stretches, language, truth, blood, bruises, scars and being left to my devices.

Not into: People who prey on others, liars, forward boys, fatty foods, the “party scene,” the Tea Party, pollution [environmental and mental], second-hand smoke, prejudice and shower curtains.

Hobbies: Cycle of self-destruction & self-improvement, fueled by coffee.

5 things I can’t live without: Heavy eyeliner, unlimited texting, espresso, sunlight and a reliable pen.

I spend most of my free time: Neurotically making lists. Overanalyzing. Daydreaming.

SuicideGirls is a community that celebrates alternative beauty and alternative culture from all over the world. Since 2001, tens of thousands of models have submitted millions of photos to their website hoping to become SuicideGirls.


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