
What’s for Dinner?
What’s for Dinner?
What’s for Dinner?
Those are the 3 most often used words by the 3 teenage boys who reside within the walls of our humble abode. I can guarantee that I will hear that question at least 5 times a day, sometimes as early as breakfast. I swear, once I even heard it when saying good night to them...
10 Foods Not to Order on a Valentine’s Day Date
10 Foods Not to Order on a Valentine’s Day Date
10 Foods Not to Order on a Valentine’s Day Date
V-D Day is here and some of your are going to celebrate and some of you are bitter.  For those of you who are bitter, don't be. Candy is going to be HELLA-Cheap Tomorrow. If you are headed to the bar to find love, holy great night for drink specials. Anyways, for those lovers out there who are celebrating V-D Day with dinner, here's a list of what NOT to order tonight from ReadersDigest.com.  It