new movie release

New Movie Releases: ‘Super 8′
New Movie Releases: ‘Super 8′
New Movie Releases: ‘Super 8′
Aliens are creeping back into theaters this week with the release of J.J. Abrams' hotly anticipated 'Super 8,' about a group of kids who captures a mysterious train crash on their video cameras in 1979. Will this be summer's next big hit? Or are audiences cool on alien-invasion movies? Check out the trailer after the jump, then get a list of movies still playing in theaters, to help plan your week
New Movie Releases: ‘X-Men: First Class’ [VIDEOS]
New Movie Releases: ‘X-Men: First Class’ [VIDEOS]
New Movie Releases: ‘X-Men: First Class’ [VIDEOS]
In an already jam-packed summer movie season, director Matthew Vaughn hopes to impress audiences with his latest movie, 'X-Men: First Class,' a reboot of the Marvel movie series that takes fans back to the beginning (or in this case, the Cold War-era '60s). Already, the film has impressed critics; it currently has over a 95 percent fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes. But will audiences flock to see i