
Researchers May Have Accidentally Discovered a Cure For Baldness
Researchers May Have Accidentally Discovered a Cure For Baldness
Researchers May Have Accidentally Discovered a Cure For Baldness
Some of the best discoveries and inventions were accidents:  Penicillin . . . Fireworks . . . Post-It Notes.  And if this latest accident is true, it could jump right on that list. Scientists at UCLA were trying to cure chronic stress by injecting a special type of hormone in mice.  And while it didn’t cure their stress . . . it did cure their BALDNESS.
NASA Captures Massive Solar Flare on Camera [VIDEO]
NASA Captures Massive Solar Flare on Camera [VIDEO]
NASA Captures Massive Solar Flare on Camera [VIDEO]
It’s an amazing sight — and something you’ll never see it on this planet. A 90-minute storm on the surface of the Sun was captured on video by NASA last week. The video of the massive “solar tendril” was taken by NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory, a small satellite orbiting the Sun to gather data on how weather there affects the weather on Earth...
Amateur Scientists Test The Effects of the Bitter Cold on a Soap Bubble [VIDEO]
Amateur Scientists Test The Effects of the Bitter Cold on a Soap Bubble [VIDEO]
Amateur Scientists Test The Effects of the Bitter Cold on a Soap Bubble [VIDEO]
With record cold temperatures gripping much of the country this week, it’s safe to say most folks are spending their time indoors. But the chill didn’t stop these intrepid amateur scientists on YouTube, who took advantage of the frigid weather to test the effects of the bitter cold on a soap bubble. The result? It’s pretty cool. Check out the video after the jump: