
Idaho Facts That Prove It’s The Best State Of All
Idaho Facts That Prove It’s The Best State Of All
Idaho Facts That Prove It’s The Best State Of All
There are a lot of interesting facts about Idaho and if you talk to an Idahoan, chances are they have told you over and over again how amazing it is to live here and visit here. We have some facts that show just how awesome Idaho is in comparison to others because Idaho just does things better
If Each State Had an Official Word, This Would Be It
If Each State Had an Official Word, This Would Be It
If Each State Had an Official Word, This Would Be It
This is interesting. Slate came up with official words or slang terms that help define each state. Some of them make sense and others seem to have make no sense at all. Alabama cattywampus (adjective): crooked, tipped over, sideways, crazy, messed up Who came up with this cattywampus campaign slogan?
Which State’s Residents Spend the Most Time Sitting On the Couch?
Which State’s Residents Spend the Most Time Sitting On the Couch?
Which State’s Residents Spend the Most Time Sitting On the Couch?
A new report broke down every state in the U.S. with one main question:  How many people there are willing to get off the couch and exercise for a few hours a week? And the results are just about what you’d expect. TENNESSEE finished in last place on the list.  Only 51.8% of adults there do any sort of moderately-intense activity for at least two hours a week.