
‘Mythbusters’ Settles the ‘Titanic’ Debate: Did Jack Have to Die?
‘Mythbusters’ Settles the ‘Titanic’ Debate: Did Jack Have to Die?
‘Mythbusters’ Settles the ‘Titanic’ Debate: Did Jack Have to Die?
It was a debate that had raged since 'Titanic' hit theaters 25 years ago: did Rose leave Jack to die by not letting him up on the board as they floated in the ocean. James Cameron maintains that the board would have only been big enough for one of them and Jack died valiantly, letting Rose live. Others argue that they could have at least tried to fit work it so both of them could have survived. Bu
‘Titanic 3-D’ Sailing Into Theaters April 6, 2012
‘Titanic 3-D’ Sailing Into Theaters April 6, 2012
‘Titanic 3-D’ Sailing Into Theaters April 6, 2012
WHYYYYY!?  Sorry, back to the article: If the original 'Titanic' wasn't epic enough already, Paramount announced Thursday that it will re-release the Oscar-winning drama on April 6, 2012 ... in 3-D. In a statement, the film's director, James Cameron, said, "There's a whole generation that's never seen 'Titanic' as it was meant to be seen, on the big screen. And this will be 'Titanic' as you'v