10 Unknown Idaho Towns That Share Name With Famous Big Cities
There are lots of towns all over the country that share names with other big cities and destinations. Idaho is no different. If you want to go some place like Paris, you probably aren't thinking Paris, Idaho.
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Paris, Idaho
Obviously not Paris, France. Last checked, Paris Idaho had a population of just over 500 people.
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Bloomington, Idaho
I have heard of Bloomington Illinois. I think everyone has. Bloomington Idaho has a population just over 200.
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Cambridge, Idaho
Shares a name with Cambridge in the United Kingdom. Though, the population of the town is less than the university sitting at just a little over 300 people.
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Dayton, Idaho
Idaho gets mixed up with Ohio all the time, might as well share the Dayton name. Dayton Ohio looks interesting and all but the one in Idaho has a population just over 400.
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Georgetown, Idaho
I would rather stay in Georgetown Idaho than go to Georgetown University in DC. I imagine it is much safer here in Idaho with a population around 500.
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Hollister, Idaho
Hollister California is incredibly famous for their clothing line as well as being a pretty cool town. But Hollister Idaho is tiny.
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Montpelier, Idaho
Shares a name with a city in France but is much much smaller and a little bit less of a destination place.
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Oxford, Idaho
Oxford is a city in England as well as a city in Connecticut.
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St. Charles, Idaho
The St. Charles it shares it's name with is in Missouri.
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Lewisville, Idaho
This one might be a little bit of a stretch. It isn't spelled or pronounced the same as Louisville, Kentucky but it is close enough I think.
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