Call of Duty Ghosts
Infinity Ward

Most Call of Duty fans won't be able to wait until the next-gen consoles come out to start playing the latest entry, Call of Duty: Ghosts. For that reason, Activision has put in place a variety of options for players to make the transition from current to next-gen as easy and cost effective for everyone.

The biggest and seemingly most interesting way to make sure you get both experiences is with the new Xbox Game Ahead program. You can pre-order a digital version of both the Xbox 360 and Xbox One versions of Ghosts for a one-time fee of $69.99. Both games will be tied to your specific gamer profile, meaning you'll be able to download both versions as soon as they become available. More details on this option will be made available later.

Additionally, you could just buy the digital version on Xbox Live for the 360 when it drops on Nov. 5 for $59.99, and then just pay $10 more when you get an Xbox One and want to download the new version of Ghosts. The same is true of the disc copy, for which multiple retailers have incentives in place.

Retailers will also have the same options available for the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4 disc-based copies. Sony too will allow you to pay $10 more for the PlayStation 4 digital copy if you already have a version of Ghosts for the PS3. However, there is no similar plan to the one-time fee available on the Xbox consoles.

You can get more details on the official Call of Duty: Ghosts site. Ghosts will be out on Nov. 5 for PC and current gen systems, with the PS4 getting it on Nov. 12, and the Xbox One getting it on Nov. 22.

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