Are You A Mac Or A PC? [POLL]
Last night I watched South Park and it was as usual, disgustingly hilarious. The plot was that one of the kids forgot to read the iTunes update "fine print" and inadvertently agreed to some really creepy Apple testing. Here's how it went down:
I may start reading those updates....or not!
Any who, there's a website called and they just finished a survey of more than 388,000 people to figure out the big differences between Mac people and PC people. Here’s what they found:
PC people tend to be older, and centered in the 35-to-49 range. Mac people are younger, and tend to be in the 18-to-34 range.
PC people are 23% more likely to say they never throw parties. Mac people are 50% more likely to say they frequently throw parties.
69% of PC people would rather drive a Harley than a Vespa. 52% of Mac people would pick a Vespa over a Harley.
Mac people are 80% more likely to be vegetarians.
The three most popular sandwiches for PC people are tuna fish, hero, and patty melt. For Mac people, the most popular sandwiches are hummus, banh mi, and shawarma.
The three most popular cable networks for PC people are SyFy, History, and USA. For Mac people, the most popular networks are Bravo, Showtime, and HBO.
And now I ask you: Are you a Mac or a PC? Answer the poll for 5,000 Snake VIP Points.