E3 will be an exciting time, as two new Assassin's Creed Unity are reported to debut, with one of them highlighting a story-based, four-player co-operative mode.

According to The Escapist, an anonymous source from Ubisoft has alerted them to the fact that two new trailers will be shown at E3 this year, one showing a single-player experience while the other showcases a four-player co-op mode. They also pointed out two tweets from former NeoGAF poster Shinobi602 that offer details that are said to be confirmed from a "legitimate Ubisoft source."

As always, we should treat information without verified and named sources as rumors, so take this news of the trailers and the new game mode with a grain of salt. We shouldn't expect to see both demos shown off at the same press conference, but that's in the event that we see them at all. We'll have to wait until E3 in June to see if these trailers, and the new co-op mode, are indeed real.

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