I've been on the air since 2009, and I love hanging out with ya! We chat about fitness and exercise, relationships, and workplace experiences, pop culture news, kids, and other things that present huge challenges. Like online dating. Oh my goodness. Dating on the apps is time consuming, but if we try to meet someone in person it's stalkery and creepy, so we forge ahead. I was born and raised in the rural town of Elwood, Nebraska with one stop light, a court house, three churches, and a bar. I'm a Cornhusker, and graduated with a Broadcasting degree from the University of Nebraska, and then worked all over the country in radio. When I'm not working, I'm usually running. I try to run between 6 and 9 miles a day because I love that runners high! I try to eat clean too. I love shopping, going out for salmon and wine, seeing live music and comedy, and listening to all kinds of music. I've got three daughters, and that means I'm an Uber mom, taking them to gymnastics, karate, softball, or whatever is in season. They always crack me up and ask odd questions, and give the best hugs and make me realize what's important in life. Feel free to connect via email anytime using the form here on the website. I love hearing from you!
Jen Austin
Idahoans Are Turning To Crowdfunding Sites to Cover Medical Costs
More people than ever are running into medical bills that they can't pay, and they're turning to crowdfunding sites to ask for help. And if you're like me, you've donated to their cause.
2-20-20 Is The Perfect Day For A Wedding
The numbers today are just too good to pass up. Wanna get married? Today is one of the most popular wedding dates of 2020, and it's the second killer anniversary date of the week.
How to Decode Those Assorted Valentine Chocolates
Valentine's candy doesn't have to be so mysterious. There are ways to figure out what's in the middle without a map, and without using your fingernail.
Most and Least-Favored Phrases at the Office
Sometimes when I can't think of a better phrase, "Let's run it up the flagpole" comes out by accident. Dang it! If certain office jargon gets on our nerves, why do we still use it?
Horseback Riding Helps Treasure Valley Kids with Autism and ADHD
It's been proven that horseback riding helps kids with Autism and ADHD improve strength and dexterity, but the benefits don't stop there. We've got the best horseback riding spots around the Treasure Valley so all of us can make the most of it.
The Earliest Possible Date You Can Receive Your Tax Refund
If you're thinking about filing your taxes early, you're not alone. The first date you can send in your tax return is coming up next week, and with holiday bills to pay off, more people than ever will be jumping on it. If you file next week, you can expect your refund in early February.
5 Easy Ways to Flu-Proof Your House
With the kids back in school this week, you know the germs will be coming back to the house at some point. But there are at least five things we can do to ward off the flu before it gets a grip.
How to Save $5000 in 2020
To have $5000 in your bank account by the end of the year, it's a matter of putting aside a little bit every week and being disciplined about the process. This is the way to do it.
The Biggest Reason Secret Santa Gift Exchanges Could Be Banned
Not everyone loves a Secret Santa gift exchange at the office, and here's why.
The 3 Biggest Holiday Diet Busters
November and December aren't peak months for willpower. In fact, there are three things that will make willpower crumble faster than a crispy cookie hitting Cookie Monster's flat mouth.
Why Real Christmas Trees Will Cost More This Year
If you want a real tree this year, the good news is there's no shortage. But that tree will cost more this time around, and you can blame the weather.
An Idaho Farmer Helps Cancer Patients With Sweepstakes Win
A farmer from Weiser, ID is one of ten national sweepstakes winners, and he's using his winnings to give cancer patients gas cards and books.