Let's get to this about me section... I arrived in Twin Falls via Springfield, MO (yep that makes me part hillbilly). That being said I am totally fine if you want to give me hard time when I say things like "y'all." Now if you want to give me a hard time about my Vulcan then I might have to give it back. I will go ahead and get a couple of questions out of the way...first why "Crash"? I'm pretty accident prone, but what sealed that nickname for life was when I had two really bad motorcycle wrecks in one summer. You know what they say...there are only two kinds of bikers, those who have gone down and those who will go down. Second, no it's not a sunburn I just have a red complexion sometimes it's just more red than other times. I'm looking forward to getting out and getting to know Twin Falls so let's be Facebook friends. Join me every day from 2pm to 7pm on The Classic Rock Station, 98.3 The Snake!