Emma Stefansky
John Carpenter Casually Announces a New ‘Halloween’ in 2018, Time to Freak Out
No, this is not a drill. Paramount shelving the new Friday the 13th so soon before production was supposed to begin came as a somewhat sudden disappointment, but, to paraphrase Julie Andrews, when Hollywood closes a door, somewhere they open a window. As it turns out, that window is a Halloween reboot, which already has a director, a screenwriter, a studio, a release date, and, quite possibly, a score from the horror master himself, John Carpenter.
Wolverine Looks Very Tired in the New ‘Logan’ Poster
Logan is coming out in a little more than a month, and while we don’t know the exact story yet, we’ve gotten a ton of behind-the-scenes looks and trailers and posters showing us just how different and dark this movie is going to be.
You Can Watch Carrie Fisher’s ‘Star Wars’ Audition Tape Right Here
It’s undeniable that Carrie Fisher was a rare talent — and she’d have to be, to charm the notoriously picky George Lucas with her Star Wars audition. In a recently resurfaced video, originally posted on YouTube in 2006, Fisher sits down to read a scene opposite Harrison Ford (whom Lucas initially didn’t want to cast, but he was so good in the screen tests that Ford became his Han Solo).
Darth Vader Is All Over the New ‘Rogue One’ International Trailer
As the Rogue One trailers keep rolling out, they get increasingly more Darth Vader-y. In the first few, we had that shot of the back of his helmet. Then, in the next couple, a new shot of him talking to Ben Mendelsohn’s Director Krennic. Now, the most recent international trailer actually starts off with his “Imperial March” theme and includes a short soundbite of that chilling breathing noise.
‘Terminator 2’ Is Finally Getting That 3D Release … in 2017
James Cameron has been toying around with a Terminator 2: Judgement Day 3D release for some time-- last year he announced that he was working on it, and that it would arrive in theaters around the time of the film’s 25th anniversary. Seeing as that deadline’s come and gone, it looked like a remaster was not to be. Fortunately, according to Collider, Cameron is still working on it, as announced on the Terminator 2 official Facebook page yesterday with a cool new poster:
We’re Going Into the Woods in the New Trailer for ‘Blair Witch’
It’s back to the woods we go in the newest trailer for ‘Blair Witch,’ the surprise sequel to The Blair Witch Project that had one of the coolest reveals in recent memory. Marketed as simply ‘The Woods,’ the film had an early screening at San Diego Comic Con, at which the real title and connection to the original film was announced. When the audience exited the theater after it was over, they saw that during the screening the big poster advertising ‘The Woods’ had been swapped for a ‘Blair Witch’ poster.