Jacob Hall

Weekend Box Office Report: ‘The Possession’ Takes Over
This stagnant post-Summer weekend was the perfect time and place for ‘The Possession,’ After all, September is where many movies go to die, so isn’t it an appropriate place for a horror movie? With no new competition, it wasn’t a question of whether or not the film was going to grab the number one spot, but how much it was going to make while doing so.

Weekend Box Office Report: No One Saw ‘Premium Rush’
How do you know that the summer movie season is officially done? Check the box office and if it looks like this weekend, it’s over. The months of massive openings and long legs are over. Welcome to the doldrums that are late August and September.
Sorry, ‘Premium Rush.’ You never had a chance.

Director Tony Scott Commits Suicide, Dead at 68
For films fans, this is an incredibly tragic way to begin the week. Tony Scott, the director of ‘Top Gun,’ ‘True Romance,’ ‘Crimson Tide’ and ‘Man on Fire’ is dead.

Weekend Box Office Report: ‘Expendables 2′ VS ‘The Bourne Legacy’
Although they differ in style and tone in every way imaginable, ‘The Expendables 2‘ and ‘The Bourne Legacy‘ are both action movies and they share the same audience (people who like watching people beat up other people). The slick, modern ‘The Bourne Legacy’ was last week’s box office champion, so everyone was wondering if its success would cut into the opening of the brawny, ’80s throwback that is

Weekend Box Office Report: ‘The Bourne Legacy’ and ‘The Campaign’ Take the Lead
After nearly a month at the top of the box office, Batman has fallen. In his place stand two new Hollywood champions: ‘The Bourne Legacy‘ and ‘The Campaign,’ both of which opened to strong numbers. Still, these solid openings won’t blow anyone’s socks off, mainly because we’ve seen the likes of these do so much better in the past.

Michael Phelps Goes Reality TV…on the Golf Channel!?
Michael Phelps is a bonafide star. In addition to being one of the best athletes in history and the United States’ crown jewel at the Olympic games, the world’s greatest swimmer is also humble, funny, sweet and a just a joy to watch in those post-competition interviews. With his retirement from professional competition pending (if you had as many gold medals as him, you’d consider giving a rest, t

‘The Bold and the Beautiful’ Loses 25 Year Veteran Cast Member
We don’t do much (okay, any) soap opera coverage over here at ScreenCrush, but this is one of those interesting little stories that feels like a mere curiosity but actually sits upon a massive fount of questions about the entertainment industry and acting as a profession. The news is that Ronn Moss is leaving CBS’ ‘The Bold and the Beautiful’ after starring in the show since its first episode 25 y

Weekend Box Office Report: Batman Crushes ‘Total Recall’
Hey there, ‘Total Recall.’ You know how you were supposed to be pretty big movie? Well, hopefully you’re sitting down because, well…you’re not. You see, there’s this little thing called ‘The Dark Knight Rises‘ that isn’t a remake of a much-beloved film and it doesn’t star Colin Farrell and people actually seem to generally kinda’ like it. Yeah, sorry buddy. You didn’t stand a chance.

Weekend Box Office Report: Playing Catch-Up With ‘The Dark Knight Rises’
Since the box office numbers from last week were not formally released until after the weekend passed, we need to play a quick game of catch-up with ‘The Dark Knight Rises.’ The third and final of Christopher Nolan’s Batman movies opened to $160 million, a number that is staggering, but not record breaking. Did it even stand a chance of breaking the $200 million mark and challenging ‘The Avengers‘

And the Television Critics Association Award Winners Are…
Although they may not be as big as the Emmys, the Television Critics Association awards are generally a better display of good taste and are a great way to discover what you should be watching. After all, the Emmys will tell you that ‘Two and a Half Men’ is the best comedy on TV, but the TCAs know that ‘Louie‘ is actually the best comedy airing at the moment. Keep reading to see what the critics t

Is a Prequel to ‘The Shining’ On the Way?
Prequels are all the rage these days, generally making bank at the box office due to name recognition while angering hordes of movie buffs (who take to internet comments sections to protest). However, no project has ever sounded more cinematically blasphemous than what Warner Bros. may be cooking up right now: a prequel to Stanley Kubrick’s 1980 horror classic ‘The Shining.’

The ‘Man of Steel’ Teaser Trailer is Quietly Epic
If you saw ‘The Dark Knight Rises‘ this weekend, chances are strong that you saw the first teaser trailer for Zack Snyder’s Superman reboot, ‘Man of Steel.’ If you didn’t, no worries: it’s now online for your viewing pleasure.