10 Best XBLA Games
Here are our 10 best games XBLA games, or as we like to call it,“KSBLAH”.
Long hailed as the crucible for indie developers to sharpen their teeth, the Xbox Live Arcade has held many of our favorite titles ever released. There are still some kinks to be worked out with digital distribution, but the XBLA was the first time we really got to see it in action. The thought that we could tap a few buttons and make a brand new game appear on our TV’s was so fantastic, that it had to catch on. And catch on it did, thanks to some brilliant creators and millions of fans.
We love the XBLA even if we do pronounce it like we have something wedged in the back of our throats. Here are the 10 best games you can find on the XBLA:
Trials Evolution
Super Meat Boy
‘Splosion Man
Castle Crashers
Shadow Complex
There you have it, the 10 best XBLA games. Do you, dear reader, have any comments or suggestions? Let us know!
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