When the trailer of ‘Bourne Legacy’ begins, we get a shaky glimpse of Jeremy Renner. The actor, who’s taking over the ‘Bourne’ series for Matt Damon is identified as Kenneth Kitson, and he is looking quite the worse for wear.

As the trailer progresses Kitson cleans up. Now he’s identified by the alias Aaron Cross, and he’s involved with the same shadowy intelligence agency that gave us super spy Jason Bourne.

‘Jason Bourne was just the tip of the iceberg,’ says the familiar voice of Ed Norton, who plays the villain.

As you can see from the footage. Cross’s skills are every bit as impressive as Bourne’s. The ‘Bourne’ franchise has been as entertaining as any over the past decade. After seeing the trailer, do you think it’s safe in the very violent hands of Renner?

‘The Bourne Legacy’ is set for August 3 release.

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