Compared to Other States, Here’s How Happy Idaho Is
I didn't realize that there is such a thing as the happiness police. But, there has to be since there's a new ranking of how happy each state in the United States is. According to them, how happy is Idaho? Well, it's kinda complicated.
they're trying to tell us that people in North Dakota are happier than we are in Idaho. No. No, they are not
First, let's make it clear who we need to blame. The story was shared by Live Science, but the real ranking comes from a Gallup poll. But, Gallup did the poll because of a site called Healthways. Let's blame all of them, shall we?
Why blame? Well, Idaho comes in at #18 in their "We're so flipping happy we just can't stand it" ranking. According to Live Science, here are the determining factors as far as what makes us happy.
Well-being scores are based on participants' answers to questions about their sense of purpose, social relationships, financial lives, community involvement and physical health.
Personally, I suspect that the score is weighted heavily on the physical health part of this. Why? One of the three "partners" is Healthways which consists of a bunch of people who are more than likely wearing yoga pants right now.
Even allowing for this, they're trying to tell us that people in North Dakota are happier than we are in Idaho. No. No, they are not.
I do, however, believe that we are happier than West Virginia and Kansas. Have you ever driven all the way through Kansas? They can't make the speed limit high enough to make that bearable. So, maybe this list is valid after all.
Check the full happiness rankings out for yourself and see what you think.