That's not Rita Repulsa from 'Mighty Morphin Power Rangers,' that's your newest party member officially added to the roster of the third entry in the Dragon Age franchise.

BioWare has tweeted extensively about one of the first confirmed party members who will join you in Dragon Age: Inquisition. So say hello to Vivienne, the Imperial Court Enchantress. Vivienne also goes by the title of Madame de Fer, "the Lady of Iron." She is an overbearing, fearsome mage who has climbed the magicians ranks through quick-thinking, her ability to converse, proper strategy and a Machiavellian-level of scheming. Vivienne gets what she wants and does not like being restricted in any form. She is fighting to undo the major problems facing the world in Dragon Age: Inquisition, just as long as she survives to rule after you fight the last boss.

BioWare writer Mary Kirby mentions that Vivienne was a blast to write because she has such adept, magical powers. While she can destroy you with fire and ice spells, she has a personality that can absolutely char your soul and demolish you with her words. She seems to be the perfect blend of Jack and Aria T'Loak, the criminal boss of Omega, both from the Mass Effect series.

Dragon Age: Inquisition is expecting a Fall 2014 launch window for PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One and PC.

Dragon Age: Inquisition
Dragon Age: Inquisition

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