Greatest Game Art Ever (This Week): Elizabeth, Booker, Handyman + More
Let's ride the Sky-Lines and traverse the clouds in Columbia in this BioShock Infinite-flavored edition of the Greatest Game Art Ever.
We're huge fans of Elizabeth and Booker's adventures in the floating city of Columbia. There's just something about that early 1900s, Americana-infused aesthetic that really speaks to us. The art direction was fantastic and gave us equal parts elation and terror. Who knew that so many horrors could hide behind cotton candy-flavored clouds? Check out the gallery below to see different artists' visions of Columbia. And with that who "constants and variables" thing, who's to say that these worlds aren't real?
We’re dying to see all the art you’ve come across or created in honor of your favorite games. If you have an artist or portfolio you’d like us to check out, please submit a link to Additionally, if there are any artists that we’ve highlighted who wish their works to be removed, please reach out to let us know. Where possible, please visit these artists’ websites to see more of their work, buy their products or commission an original piece.
BioShock Infinite by Fandias
Constants and Variables - BioShock Infinite by GoshaDole
BioShock Infinite by No87
BioShock Infinite by Rieven
BioShock Infinite Fan Art by Teutron
BioShock: Infinite by MatthewHogben
BioShock Infinite by HannahNew
BioShock Infinite Fan Art by vladimir-si
BioShock Infinite by jennyisdrawing
BioShock Infinite by art1a3t
BioShock Infinite Fan Art by River-Painted-Gold
Infinite Possibilities (BioShock Infinite Fan Art) by orisacesoftworks
Once in a City That Flew by Endrae
BioShock Infinite - Badass Elizabeth by XaR623
BioShock Infinite - Fraternal Order of the Raven by MaKuZoKu
BioShock Infinite Poster by juhoham
BioShock Infinite - Elizabeth by Sences
Will the Circle Be Unbroken? by sapphire-feather
Art Nouveau Elizabeth - BioShock Infinite by PalmTreeBomb
Infinite Clouds by zaknafein77