How Many People Actually Know What These Idaho Road Lines Mean?
I've only ever seen this kind of road marking here in Southern Idaho and I could only guess what it was indicating when I drove up on it. Wavy yellow double lines. They aren't in many places but there is at least one heading from Twin Falls to Buhl as you cross Highway 93 on 3800 N.
Weird Wavy Lines on Idaho Roads
When I hit this intersection I assumed the wavy lines were a warning that in the winter months, the road could be icy and slippery, so be careful. But coming from the other way it is an uphill road and still has those lines.
In a closed Facebook group, people were recently talking about these lines, and a lot of people, like me, had no real idea what they mean. People were guessing some pretty random stuff like a bored or drunk paint truck driver, snakes ahead, or to swerve for children. Other people were certain it either meant slippery when wet or slow down for an upcoming sign.
The real meaning of the lines is to slow down for the upcoming stop sign.

It seems like we are always talking about the roads around the Magic Valley. Sometimes we complain about them, sometimes we are confused by them (looking at you 5-point intersections), and rarely are we happy with them. We hated the squiggly lines in Downtown Twin Falls by the City Park and in the last few years, we started seeing white lines along the roads from the brine mixture to keep the roads from icing. We already know from our terrible parking galleries that we have issues with lines so adding more to the road was a bit of a surprise for a while.