Idaho Immune to Affirmative Action Court Ruling
I remember a cafeteria monitor at my old school. She was tall, with a booming voice, and even upperclassmen feared her. One day, a fellow at my table tossed a wash rag into the face of another boy. As the victim stood up to swing at the attacker, she stepped in. “Two wrongs don’t make a right,” she shouted. Then she dressed down the attacker and warned him a trip to the guidance office would happen with a second offense. Her husband was the guidance counselor, a former pilot who had twice escaped prison camps during the Korean War. The threat of a meeting in his office diffused the tension and brought an apology.
Affirmative action is an example of two wrongs. As a decision came down from the Supreme Court of the United States against the policy on college campuses, a map appeared on my studio TV screen. It showed states where it doesn’t exist. California is one. Voters decided in that state, which shows you some legislatures don’t really represent the views of constituents. California had company because Idaho was also listed as a state where set-asides are banned during admissions. Or this is the official position? I’m sure the devious Marxists in charge of most campuses long ago figured out methods for skirting the rules.
The leftists claim we need to right past wrongs. So they discriminate and then admit students who can’t always make the grade. Why then should anyone study and stay out of trouble as a teenager?
A few years ago I lost a dear friend who was a conservative political activist of some renowned. He explained affirmative action bluntly. If you’re driving your pregnant wife to a hospital and see two billboards for competing institutions, which one do you choose? One sign trumpets a hospital that hires based on quotas. The other hospital has a sign that explains it only hires the best medical staff it can find. As her water breaks, make the call.