Twin Falls Tourist Opinions Mixed on Importance of the Evel Knievel Site
There aren't many Twin Falls residents that don't know what historic event took place on the Snake River Canyon in the summer of 1974. To this day, there stands a mound of dirt used by one of the world's most beloved daredevils in a nationally televised attempt to launch from one side of the canyon to the other.
Evel Knievel Jump Site In Twin Falls
I've walked the Twin Falls / Evel Knievel dedication trail several times. I've also driven to the site where the world's greatest stunt pilot attempted to rocket over the Snake River nearly 50 years ago. The stunt put Twin Falls on the map that summer of 1974, and there are still many area residents that have fond memories of being part of the event.

Even though the attempt was sort of a disaster and nearly cost Knievel his life, it doesn't stop people from traveling from all over the country to visit the dirt ramp that so many converged upon to watch the fearless risk-taker take flight.
Is The Evel Knievel Jump Site Worth Visiting
I was recently reading about the Evel Knievel jump online. I came across a comment chain on tripadvisor.com that contained numerous remarks from people that have traveled a good distance to view the remnants of the famous stunt. Remarks such as, "It wasn't anything spectacular," and "The jump site isn't much," were posted by visitors from Utah and Illinois.
The majority of locals love visiting the site, which is obvious from the comment chain. The dirt mound is on private property, but those who want to visit it can drive closer to the location to get a better view than the one the canyon trail offers.
Do you think the Evel Knievel site is overrated?
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