Scientists poking around in the Lapa do Santo cave in central-eastern Brazil made a startling and Beavis giggle-inducing discovery: a stick figure of a man with a enormous phallus, which is now believed to be the oldest rock carving ever found in the Americas.

The discoverers humorously call it “the little horny man,” and with good reason — the etching is small but definitely not to scale. While the figure’s manhood is only about 2 inches long, it matches the length of his entire left arm.

“The figure is probably linked to some kind of fertility ritual,” said researcher Walter Alves Neves, an archaeologist and biological anthropologist at the University of São Paulo in Brazil. “There is another site in the same region where you find paintings with men with oversized phalluses, and also pregnant women, and even a [childbirth] scene.”

It’s estimated that the engraving is between 9,000 and 12,000 years old, but ladies back then must have been a whole different breed. Chicks who get knocked up by a guy sporting an arm’s-length johnson are more woman than most of today’s women will ever hope — or want — to be. (But maybe the model for that infamous Wasilla statue was a contender.)

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