It’s No Housework Day!
I don't know who came up with today's holiday, but it was probably a chick.
Not to be sexist, but I, Kendra Wolfe, a female do all of the stinking house work. Every day, every week!
And it never ends and he always makes the mess. Now I make them too, but when you're the only one picking it all up, it really starts to piss you off!
So today ladies, do nothing. Try to refrain from wincing when the garbage is spilling over. Try to not say anything when he's eating out of a lid because all the plates are dirty. Just be strong and hope to god he notices all the hard work you do.
If he doesn't notice, then you have to continue to celebrate no housework day till he does. :-)
As for every other day, who does the house work in your household?