The holiday shopping season is all but here and as we prepare for the most wonderful time of the year, we'll also need to pay close attention to what's happening around us.

The world can be unpredictable and that's why police are recommending you drop what you're doing and start recording videos of your home as soon as you can.

Start recording!

We're approaching the time of year when scammers and criminals alike are looking for an easy buck. Some of these people do it for greed while others think they're doing good for their own families.

When people get desperate, they'll do just about anything to get by.

That's why Nampa police are warning people to start taking inventory of the valuables in their homes.

"If you are the victim of a theft or burglary, will you be able to identify your items if they’re recovered?" Nampa police shared in a social media post, "Do you have your valuable items cataloged in any way?"

It's a question many of us probably don't think about very often but they bring up a solid point... especially before the holidays.

"Creating an inventory is the best way to show what items you own," Nampa police said.

"Having that proof of your possessions will be priceless if there is ever a loss."

Nampa police recommend homeowners record video of their valuables whether they're stored in garages, sheds, attics, etc. They say you should try and get a full look at what's being recorded in the video. Items such as TVs, wedding rings, musical instruments, and laptops should all be recorded on video and on an inventory list somewhere.

" Include model numbers, serial numbers, purchase price, estimated current value, and description," Nampa police advise.

"If you have antiques, family heirlooms, expensive artwork, fine jewelry, musical instruments, unique guns, etc. consider a professional appraisal."

Hopefully, none of us are ever victims of robbery or theft but this is a great way to always stay prepared and to prove stolen items are, in fact, yours.

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