How Fast Over The Speed Limit Can You Drive In Idaho?
We've all done it.
Even if you don't want admit it, because you're ashamed. Or, you're afraid the police will come knocking on your door as soon as you finish reading this article.
Because you've driven over the speed limit in Idaho, haven't you? We all have on the occasion, right?
Question is: How fast over the speed limit can you drive in Idaho?
Yes, you can legally drive over the speed limit. If you know the exception.
Just like every other state in the U.S., you must abide by posted speed limit signs. If a police officer clocks you going even one mile per hour over the speed limit, they can technically hit you with a small ticket. A small, petty ticket, to be sure.
Anyways, that applies pretty much everywhere. Unless you find yourself in a very specific circumstance while driving.
Per Idaho Code, it states that drivers can go up to 15 mph over the posted speed limit if and only if they're passing a driver going under the limit. Also, this only applies on one-way-in-each-direction roadways where the speed limit is at least 55 mph.
So, technically, yes you can driver over the speed limit legally in Idaho. Again, if you find yourself in that one specific instance. Even so, be careful out there.
Now, hopefully local police won't give you a ticket for driving under the speed limit when you're trying to catch a glance of the world famous Oscar Mayer Weinermobile.
Because that would simply be cruel.
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Gallery Credit: Credit: Mateo, 103.5 KISS FM
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