Kids today seem to be growing up faster than ever. Maybe not physically, but they are learning technology better than their parents at younger ages than any of us did. For many of us, learning technology was how to put a floppy disk in a computer, or how to hook up your Nintendo, Sega, or Atari to the television. Kids today know how to use streaming services, play video games, and design whole worlds in Minecraft. Some may argue that technology can be used to benefit kids and help their education, but with all things, there is also a bad side. There are many things kids can access on their tablets, computers, or televisions that can harm them. Some sickos in this world have decided to take advantage of these programs and introduce kids to inappropriate content, and some parents have no clue.

Inappropriate Content on YouTube Kids

Credit: Moore Media
Credit: Moore Media

Despite a parent's best effort, you can't always protect your children from things you don't want them to see, hear, or know. There is likely a kid in school who will introduce them to something you deem inappropriate, or perhaps a commercial or movie trailer pops up that you don't want them to see. Parents can try their best, but the world will find a way to get to their children eventually. Despite parental controls on tablets, televisions, and other technology, there are ways that content not suitable for children has snuck in. There are people out there who have created content that may seem innocent, but pornographic images, violent content, scary content, and other things you don't want your children seeing may randomly pop up in the middle of an otherwise innocent, child show or video, especially on YouTube Kids, where this has happen far too many times. 

Monitoring Pornographic Content for Children

Credit: charlesdeluvio on Unsplash
Credit: charlesdeluvio on Unsplash

Recently, a friend of mine was sitting in the room with their six-year-old child, who was watching their iPad. It was part of their daily routine and the child was watching a show the parent was used to, and their child had watched many times. Suddenly, moaning began to come from the iPad, which sparked the interest of the parent. They ran over to take the iPad to find inappropriate content, despite the title of the show, being the same show their child usually watched. This parent had done everything right, and their child had as well, yet the kid was exposed to something because a video was able to slip through. It is alarming that videos, such as these, can easily access our children, despite restrictions and a parent's best effort. You have to monitor your child's iPad at all times these days. 

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You can't monitor your child at all times, but perhaps limiting their screen time to when you are in the room is best. If you happen to come across content, like my friend did above, make sure to report it. You can't protect your child forever, and eventually, these things will be exposed to them, but it should be much later in life, and not at six years old. Do what you can to protect them and keep their innocence for as long as you can.

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The Magic Valley has a lot of cool, informative, and entertaining groups that you should definitely follow if you live around Twin Falls.

Gallery Credit: Credit Facebook

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The Perrine Bridge by itself isn't that big of a deal in the fear-factor category until you decide to do a BASE jump. That's when the fear level goes up to 10. Other places are just scary as the bridge.

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