Beware! Cops Hiding, Watching, and Pulling Over Magic Valley Residents
Driving to and from work is often routine, and it isn't uncommon to make the drives out of instinct, without having to truly know how you got to and from your location. Many of us make the same drive and it is so routine that you could likely do it with your eyes closed. You go the same speed in the same areas every morning and every evening. Occasionally, there will be construction, a wreck, or a slow driver that will slow you down, but overall there aren't too many hiccups. For the next month or so, you may want to pay more attention, as police officers seem to be out in full force, hiding and watching Magic Valley residents, and having success pulling many over.
Cops Monitoring Traffic Heavily in Magic Valley
Over the last week or two, it seems that cops have been monitoring traffic more heavily than normal. Many of them have been hiding at night or behind trees or buildings, and they have been successful in pulling over many of the drivers in the area. Why do they seem to be out stronger now than normal? With summer winding down, many people are looking to take their final vacations before school, as well as it is still a part of the 100 deadliest days of summer, which you can read about by clicking this link. Even though summer break ends next week, don't expect the officers to let up, as it is expected they will be monitoring more going forward.
So Many Cops Out in the Magic Valley
While the end of summer would make many think that officers will let up, it will likely increase in the coming weeks. With school starting, school zones will be active, school buses will be stopping, and officers will be wanting to make sure everyone is obeying the laws and that children are making it to school safely. After school settles down for a couple of weeks, the fair will be in Twin Falls, upping the need for officers again, followed by Labor Day weekend. The next month should see many officers patrolling the streets, and while many residents complain about the tickets and being pulled over, it is all to help keep us safe. Click the link in the paragraph above, and scroll through all the fatality stories this summer, and you will realize that these officers are wanting to help us avoid being in one of those stories.

Make sure to be smart and safe over the next month. The most important thing is to not give these officers a reason to pull you over. Even if they aren't out and about, you should be obeying the speed limit signs and all laws. They are out to make sure the residents of the Magic Valley remain safe, and that is the most important thing. Obey the law, and them being out won't be an issue at all.