Don’t Complain About the Heat During Idaho’s Best Time of the Year
For those who have been claiming this summer hasn't been that bad, thank you for jinxing the Magic Valley. Summer has arrived and it is out in full force this week. Temperatures will be in triple digits for consecutive days, and many of us will be looking for ways to stay cool through the next few weeks. A day in the high 90s is considered cool over the next couple of weeks, which details how warm it is going to be. While many in the area will complain about the summer heat, perhaps you should stop complaining and enjoy one of the most fun times of the year instead.
Why Summer is the Best Season in the Magic Valley
Despite the heat, it is worth dealing with to reap the benefits of summer. While other seasons are nice, summer truly is the best season in Southern Idaho. Every weekend is filled with events, there is swimming in your pool, community pools, a lake, a river, or perhaps a hidden gem you know of hidden on a hike. There are some amazing places to get out and go fishing, kayaking, or enjoying time in a boat tubing, skiing, or enjoying a beer on the boat. While the water is nice, that isn't all that Idaho has to offer in the summer.
Summer in Idaho
While the water can be nice, there are other fun events as well. Already to happen this summer were Western Days, Gordy's Highway 30 Music Fest, and Sagebrush Days. There are still others to come, with Ice Cream Fun Days around the corner. Outside of the events, there are concerts, great places to have picnics, and some of the best hiking you will find anywhere. The canyon offers a variety of places to go for a run, a walk, or biking. There are some beautiful golf courses in the area and disc golf courses as well. These are all done sticking to the Magic Valley, but if you expand beyond the area, there are even more things to enjoy during the summer in the great state of Idaho.
It might be hot, and you may want to stay inside or in a pool, but don't let a single day in the summer go to waste, when there are so few of them. There will be plenty of time to be stuck inside going forward, but for now, get out, embrace the heat, and have fun enjoying the best season in Idaho.
Beat the Heat at Shoshone Ice Caves
Gallery Credit: Benito Baeza