Be Safe: ISP Ramps Up Enforcement for Labor Day 2023
There is more than one thing that is awesome about this Labor Day Weekend. Sure, most people get a 3-day weekend. Many people take advantage of an extra day off with outdoor activities. Taking the family on a camping trip is not out of the realm of possibility. Motorists need to remember that this weekend is not just an extra day off.

This is the last weekend of the ‘100 Deadliest Days of Summer’. During the period of time from Memorial Day through Labor Day, one-third of all serious and fatal crashes occur. It seems that no matter how often drivers are warned about aggressive driving, or asked to drive safely, these accidents continue to happen.
Accidents are going to happen even under the best conditions, but if the thought of alcohol is added, there is an extra element that we would all prefer to avoid. It’s not just the public that hates to see severe crashes and fatalities, it’s the Idaho State Police as well. Since the ISP is made up of humans and humans have feelings, they want to prevent accidents as much as anyone else. They’re taking matters in hand to help the Labor Day Weekend be as safe on the roads as possible.
“MERIDIAN, Idaho - The Idaho State Police (ISP), Montana Highway Patrol (MHP), and Washington State Patrol (WSP) are joining forces on Labor Day weekend to take a strong stance against the dangerous driving behaviors of impaired drivers. These law enforcement agencies are committed and unified to the safety of all individuals traveling along the I-90 corridor on what historically is a high-traffic weekend.”
Safety is the biggest concern, and now 3 states are going to work together to get people home safely. Last year, Idaho reported 26 impaired driving-related crashes during Labor Day Weekend. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has declared Labor Day Weekend as ‘the deadliest holiday on the roadways since 2012’.
RELATED STORY: Drive Safe: Memorial Day Begins With 100 Deadliest Days in Idaho