Tourist season is in full swing, and it means many from around the country and the world are visiting California. While tourist season never truly stops in the Golden State, it is at its peak this time of year. When that many people are coming in and out of the state, it means new diseases and illnesses are entering the West Coast every single day. The more these tourists travel up and down the coast, the more they spread it, and once residents get it, then it will spread through workplaces, homes, and schools. There is one nasty disease that is making its way through California right now, and some who have had it would have preferred death at one time.

Stomach Illness Spreading in California

Credit: Wavebreakmedia Ltd
Credit: Wavebreakmedia Ltd

A day sick in California means missing a day of work, a day at the beach, or a day getting outside and enjoying the nice weather. There is one illness spreading right now that will have you stuck inside, hugging a trash can, a bowl, or your toilet, and could have you sitting on it all day long. It will start with a stomach ache, and quickly turn into sprinting to the nearest restroom in a matter of minutes. It comes on quickly and hits with authority. The good news is that it typically lasts only 24 to 48 hours, but that time will be miserable and at times will have you wishing death had come instead. 

Symptoms for Stomach Illness in California

Credit: vadimguzhva
Credit: vadimguzhva

The most common symptom that many are seeing that get the illness is throwing up consistently for a day or two, but not everyone is affected the same. The alternative to throwing up consistently is having it come out of a different end. You can argue which is worse, but neither is ideal. The good news is that there is no fever, aches, or other symptoms, but it does take a toll. The positive is that you will see weight loss rapidly, for those looking to shed a few pounds, but it will not be in a healthy way. Lack of appetite, fatigue, and dehydration might result from all of the throwing up or diarrhea. Unfortunately, anti-nausea medicine, Pepto-Bismol, and Tums do not help. It is an illness you will have to suffer through.  

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Hopefully, you are lucky and can avoid coming into contact with anyone who currently has the stomach bug, as it is highly contagious. If you get it, expect to alter your schedule for a few days, as you will need to be near a restroom at all times.

Where Are the Worst Prisons in California?

These four prisons in California made the “worst prisons in the country” list. They are located in Crescent City, Los Angeles, Represa, and San Quentin.

Gallery Credit: Reesha Cosby

7 Beautiful Common Snakes in California

Gallery Credit: Brian Stephenson