This One Twin Falls Street Has the Most Blind Intersections
Despite challenges, driving in Twin Falls isn’t all that bad.
Even with all of our recent growth, I think it’s fair to say that driving in Twin Falls for the most part is relatively uneventful compared to a lot of bigger metros. If you’re like me and take driving in Twin for granted, take a quick trip to Boise or Salt Lake for the day and you’ll be quickly reminded how good we have it. That said, Twin Falls has one road in particular that seems to have it out for us.
Have you driven on Fillmore lately?
Statistically, I’m sure Blue Lakes, Addison, or Pole Line see the lion’s share of accidents. So, why is it that I feel like Fillmore is out to get me? A number of factors contribute the safety of any street and you can bet that things like speeding and an increased traffic flow from those avoiding busy thoroughfares are part of the problem. But there are three of the worst blind intersections in Twin Falls on Fillmore that aren’t helping matters.
Fillmore at the KB’s, Alpine Jewelers exit.
If you’ve ever tried to leave KB’s parking lot, you know exactly what I’m talking about. The street is curved at the perfect angle that makes turning left, (or even right for that matter), a gamble. The way the road winds make oncoming cars spawn-in out of nowhere like you’re playing a game of Mario Cart. It doesn’t help that oncoming traffic isn’t driving at the posted 25mph-speed limit. So, when you do finally take an opening and a car has to pump the breaks to make room for you, they’ll probably give you ‘both-hands-up-in-the-air’ and all the rage that goes with it… never mind the fact that they were probably going 40.
Fillmore at the Costco entrance
This is another one where fast driving combined with a windy road makes it really hard to see coming out of Costco, especially if you’re trying to turn south. And I’m all for the greenery, but the shrubs and trees here can get in your way.
Fillmore near the Blaze Pizza entrance
I almost didn’t mention this one but I’ve noticed several close calls here and it made me wonder if maybe you’ve noticed the same thing. When you leave Blaze Pizza heading west toward Fillmore, if you take the corner too close to the shrubs, you’re coming around the corner almost blind to oncoming traffic. To the incoming vehicle, your car will shoot out like a pheasant that’s just been flushed. Fortunately, this one is easily avoided by exiting the drive from farther down the parking lot, where it’s easier for you to see and be seen.
What am I missing?
I’m sure there are other roads with blind intersections where it’s hard to see. If you can think of a place that’s not on this list but should be, send me a quick email or text me on our station app to let me know.