Some of the best gifts are the ones you don’t expect. There are many interesting gift ideas that you may have never considered for your friend's get-together or company Christmas party. Sure, Idaho Lottery Scratcher tickets are great, but why not add a little pizzazz? Gift exchanges are always better when the presents are surprises. Here are some white elephant gifts that can be an unexpected hit this year.


Looking at an Idaho icon, the Shocktato is sure to please. Well, it’ll be interesting, anyway. Include the batteries and enjoy it as a game at the very same party it has been given away. Maybe just let the people with heart conditions shoot the video.

Staying in the theme of games you can play after the gift has been opened, a newcomer to the field is Chicken vs. Hotdog. It is available online, but also locally at ToyTown.

At Work

Who doesn’t want a coaster set that is also a decorative conversation piece? Perfect for the home side table or corner spot on the desk at work.

For those at work who have to talk more than they’d like, their vocal cords can stay moistened with a USB humidifier. It might even help those people who seem to keep shocking you incessantly as you walk past each other in the hall.

Everyone will know this box in the fridge is owned. No longer will there be confusing sticky notes that have fallen off the microwave dinner at work. Then again, you can’t deny it when it is your leftovers that have become a science experiment.

Household Helpers

Given as a white elephant, it’s a funny gag gift. Take one home and try it, and you’ll never go back to life without one.

When you can’t seem to get your omelet to flip right, there’s help for you yet. No longer will the family degrade your poor egg-cooking skills with this kitchen helper.

Just try one of these great ideas to become the envy of all who brought a gift card. No ho-hum gift from you. Make life and the company gift exchange a little adventure.

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