A Claim that an Idaho Neighbor is Overrun by Deadly Vipers
The only cobras in Wyoming are classic cars, in zoos, or in the hands of someone who keeps one at home.
A story went viral out of the Casper area. You can check it out from Oil City News by clicking on this link. The story was about a truck crashing while carrying a shipment of cobras. The satire wasn’t exactly clear in making sure people got the joke.
There are some nasty rattlers in Wyoming, but cobras aren’t native to the state, and not very many are moved by the thousands in tractor-trailer rigs. The story appears to have drawn a police response, but all checked out well.
I’m reminded of a prank a friend told on-air on April Fool’s Day. He said a beer truck had overturned and that kegs were rolling away and floating along roadside ditches. People showed up with the idea that might get away with a keg, however. It wouldn’t do you much good without a tap.
Here at Townsquaremedia, we’ve been warned about on-air hoaxes and April Fool’s jokes. Nobody wants a War of the Worlds scenario. And there are some very creative people working at our radio stations.
One of my old stations ran what appeared to be an entire advertising campaign about a local winery, even identifying the location at some unincorporated location. It was all tongue in cheek, but people were driving out to the place and disappointed when all they found was an old gas station at a crossroad.

Montana Hiking Trail Etiquette: Dos and Don'ts
Gallery Credit: mwolfe