First, I would say the only real Mexican food is in Mexico.  Though, if you’re in Orange County, how can you tell the difference?  This topic came up in the office a few months ago, when I mentioned a funny story about some California transplants.  A woman was quoted in a Boise newspaper about her move to Idaho 25 years ago.  She couldn’t understand the resentment from native Idahoans until she overheard a conversation while eating lunch.

Two other transplants at a neighboring table were talking about good Mexican food.  One commented that she liked Idaho, but the authentic was in Los Angeles.  The woman who recounted the story then understood why nobody here likes the newcomers.

Ask an Oklahoman

One of my colleagues piped up in defense of the food snobs.  He relocated here from San Diego and said the Mexican food there was indeed better.  He should know.  He grew up in Oklahoma, where fine dining is a weekly trip to Burger King.

I’ve heard that Mexican cuisine is the most popular ethnic food in the United States.  Some studies call it number two.  When I was a kid, I believe it was Italian, which remains my favorite.  Just keep in mind that what we call Mexican is the basic food of the working class, and probably not what the wealthy prefer.  Much of what we label Italian would be strange to Italians, and the Chinese would wonder why the candy we serve is considered Chinese!

I'll Take an Idaho Favorite

I’ll take locally sourced-beef any day over a burrito.  Because it doesn’t leave me hungry 20 minutes later.

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