Twin Falls police Say No School Threat Took Place Monday
Twin Falls Police say there was no school threat today. The department stepped up security after threats last week, and today received some calls from concerned parents about another post of a possible threat. Investigators looked into it and determined there wasn’t any actual threat. I guess we could all be better with language choices.
Now that we’re a month into the school year, some of the online chatter may slow.
Most of our local districts long ago put security plans in place, and we saw that in practice with a false alarm at Canyon Ridge High School a couple of years ago. The response was quick and intense. I also believe there are some aspects of the plans that we may not even be aware of, as a means of not tipping police and school system hands to a potential shooter.
As many of you know, local school districts make their own decisions on arming staff in Idaho. You can be heard by attending school board meetings, which means sometimes missing a ballgame on TV.
If you believe there isn’t community support for arming staff, then you can look for alternative education, which is often costly, however. Some private and religious schools offer scholarships and do have armed security. It also makes a strong argument for school choice. Which may arrive in the next state legislative session.
For now, many of the actual threats being made are possibly coming from young people who want to get a day off, but all still must be taken seriously.