Here’s proof that good people still exist in Twin Falls. A warming center in Twin Falls, run by volunteers, will be open every night when the temperature drops to 29 or below.

Twin Falls Warming Center Opens to Help Homeless Stay Warm

As we have seen, and felt, over the last week, winter is here and the chill is being felt by everyone. Overnight temperatures starting this weekend and through Thanksgiving weekend in Southern Idaho will stay below freezing. These freezing nights can be brutal and dangerous for homeless residents of the Magic Valley. But many kind-hearted volunteers are doing their part to help others stay warm.

The warming center in Twin Falls will be in the basement of the First Christian Church at the Taproot Church in downtown Twin Falls. There will be a blue ‘Open’ flag on nights when the warming center is running which will be any night KMVT forecasts the low to be 34 degrees or lower. Updates can be found on the Twin Falls Warming Center's Facebook page.

The Twin Falls Warming Center will have staff members and volunteers helping when. If you would like to volunteer to help at the center or help by donating items, you can contact the Warming Center by email at or by calling 208-738-6502

Training for volunteers will happen November 19th at 7PM at the Taproot Church and again on December 17th and January 7th.

Donation items needed vary, but personal hygiene items, snacks, instant drinks, and monetary donations are needed. Items should not be dropped off at the church but taken instead to the Valley House Homeless Shelter at the appropriate times.

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There are various routes you can take if you are currently homeless or in need of assistance. South Central Community Action Partnership offers help in a variety of ways, Shelter Listings has a list of homeless shelters in the area, and information can also be attained from volunteers at the Twin Falls Warming Shelter.

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