Jeep Severely Damaged; Victim Says Theft Happened At Jerome Shop
The Magic Valley has been no stranger to car break-ins in past months. A theft earlier this week proved particularly costly for a man who was allegedly waiting to have some work done at an auto shop in Jerome.
At the time of the theft, Kyle Thompson had his Jeep parked at the back of Fast Lanes Automotive in Jerome on Monday, according to details shared with us. His automobile suffered major damage. Thompson said he reported the theft to local police.
"I was planning on having engine work done," said Thompson. "I lost two lead pillar pods, tools, tool boxes, tie downs, a radio, and driver seat and passenger seat head rests. They (the thief) also took off the tires and stole two of them, and poured antifreeze all over the passenger seat and floor."
Thompson went on to say he had two knives destroyed as well. The exterior of the driver side was also damaged. Thompson works as a delivery driver presently, and was more than upset about the losses.
"Why? I don't get why they needed to break anything," said Thompson.
If you have any information about this theft, please contact the Jerome Police Department, at 208-324-4328.