PETA pulls a ton of stunts to get people to pay attention. Some of it is hilarious. Their smartest move is to have some of the world’s hottest women pose naked for their ads. It’s hard to hate you PETA!

Supermodel and reality show sweetheart Joanna Krupa returns to help PETA fight the fight against whatever it is they are fighting the fight against.

Her latest ad is a follow-up to a similar spread that raised more than a few eyebrows. Some religious groups objected to the use of the crucifix in the picture. Krupa’s once again goes the religious route and asks people to “be an angel and adopt.” Krupa holds an adorable dog against her naked puppies, making us wonder if this is the perfect example of the expression “lucky dog.”

For the fun of it, let’s look at Krupa’s other PETA ad one more time.

joanna krupa church crucifix peta ad


[PETA via Hollywood Tuna]

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