And don't give us any of that "summer doesn't start until June 21" nonsense, you nerd. Just look at the pretty lady in the pretty photos.

Miss Summers was named Miss December 2013 and then Playmate of the Year 2014, so it's possible we're not the first to observe that she looks very nice in pictures. Kennedy Summers, Kennedy Summers, Kennedy Summers ... hmmmm, something about that name just seems a bit, well, made up, doesn't it? Try saying it out loud.

Ah, now we get it. After doing a little detective work on her website, we discovered that she was born in Berlin. Germans! Only in Germany would they rename one of their loveliest exports after some average-looking '90s MTV veejay. (They also really love the Hoff, which is neither her nor there, we suppose.) That is the most prominent Kennedy, right? We're gonna go hit Wikipedia. You have fun exploring Miss Summers:

Wait, how'd that get in there?! Sorry, here:

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