From "The Bob & Tom Show," comedians Bob Zany and Donnie Baker will be at Cactus Petes THIS Friday and Saturday night and here's how you can win tickets to their comedy show!

We're bringing back "Kevin Bacon or a Canadian," the trivia game involving either Kevin Bacon or a Canadian.

"Wait, so how do I win my tickets?"

When can I win tickets?

  • Tuesday, 7/29/14 at: 2 PM, 3 PM, and 4 PM
  • Wednesday, 7/30/14 at: 2 PM, 3 PM and 6 PM
  • Thursday, 7/31/14 at: 2 PM, 3 PM, and 4 PM

Wednesday's Winners Include:

The 2 PM Winner is Steve Pease

The 3 PM Winner is Daisy Revai

The 6 PM Winner is Duane Brigance

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