These furry lip covers have been seen on the big screen since the dawn of film, but they’ve never gotten what they are truly due to the world of cinema …until now.

The Stache Pag, an annual pageant in Maine dedicated to honoring the best and bushiest of facial hair, will honor the unsung heroes of facial enhancement with the First Annual Stache Film Fest.

The best part is that it’s easier to enter than it is for a drunkard to grow a full five o’clock shadow. Entries must be no longer than eight minutes in length and can cover any genre as long as includes a mustache-related theme or a major mustachioed (or fake-mustachioed) cast-member(s). Entries can be submitted free of charge and must be received by March 24, 2012. One of the films will be selected for a major cash prize. Visit the film festival’s website for more details.

If that doesn’t convince you to pick up a Flip cam and start growing a cookie duster that would make Burt Reynolds cry, the group has released a video announcing their new film festival. Dr. Lou Jacobs, New England’s director of the American Moustache Institute, took some time out of his busy schedule of slicing freshly killed meat that his facial hair hunted and slaughtered on the plains of the Serengeti to officially announce the film festival.

Do not disappoint his mustache. There’s no telling what it is capable of.

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