New Bike Lanes in Twin Falls
I love riding my bike but, riding in Twin Falls can be extremely dangerous. If you enjoy riding your bike to run errands, you will be thrilled to know that Twin Falls plans on adding more bike lanes.
There aren't a lot of people that use a bike to commute so drivers aren't use to them merging with traffic. The city has added some bike lanes in Twin Falls but, if you really want to ride around town it's almost impossible because their just aren't enough bike lanes.
According to the Twin Falls City Council has set aside $25,000 in next year’s budget to continue phase-one of its trail connectivity plans and create more bike lanes.
The city also plans to improve the Snake River Canyon rim trail with a $800,000 budget.
Bikes lanes plan to be put into place along Sixth Avenue between Harmon Park and City Park. More bike lanes will open when the street department has time in intersections that are easy to access.
New bicycle signs and modern lanes are part of the new bike paths that will be built in Twin Falls. The signs will feature the names of several destinations along with the distance to each and an estimated time of arrival for bicyclists. The signs will also act as a reminder for drivers to watch for bikes which, is greatly needed!