Nothing Says Merry Christmas Twin Falls Like A New Car Gun Magnet
For those of you that are having difficulties coming up with something to get the gun lover in your family, a sporting goods website has put together a list of the top gun magnets for December.
I own four guns myself, and to be honest, I didn't even know they made these to fit automobiles. Can you imagine the delight on his/her face on Christmas morning when she/he unwraps one of these little firearm stabilizing beauties. A new list of top gun magnets has been compiled by the fine people at sportsandoutdoors.
A gun magnet in your car or truck has both risks and benefits in my opinion. The comfort of always knowing where your firearm is, and having it safely stored at close proximity to you while behind the wheel, are both advantages. One of the great disadvantages to storing your gun in this manner is obvious. The man or woman jacked up on methamphetamine that happens to walk by your ride the one time you decide to leave it stuck to its magnet, just has to break your window, and wah-lah, it's off to the pawn shop for more meth money.
Another disadvantage, as brought to my attention by a co-worker, is the obvious damage the magnet can do to your piece through scratching and what not. Whatever side of the coin you're on, these things are pretty popular.
The "Keeper," magnetic gun mount and holster, appears to be the number one choice by those at, as it received a score of 9.7 out of 10.
Happy Holidays Twin Falls! Stay locked and loaded!