Oscar Mayer Wienermobile Comes to Twin Falls
Over the weekend a friend shared one highlight of her grandson’s life has been to sit in the Oscar Mayer Wienermobile.
it will spend some time parked at Smith’s, according to a sign at the grocery store
It’ll be in Twin Falls on Saint Patrick’s Day, although. Not sure at all it’s taking part in the drunken revelry. Instead it will spend some time parked at Smith’s, according to a sign at the grocery store.
We get some unusual cars and trucks passing through town. Over the weekend I saw what friend’s tell me is a ’32 Ford. These were the cars popular with gangsters of the era. John Dillinger was so enamored of the Ford engine he wrote Henry Ford a letter praising the model. The old man kept the letter, which today is displayed in a museum.
Not sure the Wienermobile would handle nearly as well. And if used in the course of a bank robbery would easily be spotted roaring down the highway!
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