If you are looking for a dream job of travelling the country in a giant hot dog, good news! The Oscar Mayer Wienermobile is hiring.

If you would like to be an Oscar Mayer hotdogger you get paid for one full year to travel multiple states in a giant hot dog. The job requires a group of friendly people who are willing to travel the country to promote Oscar Mayer.

If you are a graduating college senior with a degree in either communications, advertising, marketing, journalism or public relations it is kind of the perfect opportunity for you to go on a grand adventure. You get to talk to the media and organize promotions for the Wienermobile to make an appearance.

If I would have thought about this when I graduated college I would have totally done this. One full year seeing the United States, getting paid and getting to talk about hot dogs sounds like the dream to me, if you didn't have a family to go back to every single night. Travelling the country can be pretty expensive, so this sounds like a great way to explore where you may want to go next in your life.

If you would like to be a hotdogger, you can apply and also be friendly enough to sit in a large hot dog with a group of people you probably never met before.

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