PETA Wants To Replace Famous Groundhog With A Robot
Normally I'm not on board with all the crazy demands the people at PETA make. I do think that treating animals well is something we should do but I also think that some of those animals are meant to become a delicious meal. But until they become my meal they should be treated humanely. The latest request from PETA is aimed at freeing the famous weather predicting groundhog Punxsutawney Phil and replacing him with an AI robot.
I think we all know that a groundhog predicting when a season will begin based on it seeing a shadow is an obvious sham. But it is a fun sham, with a long history and a great movie centered around it. If you actually are interested in the groundhog powers to predict weather and get upset each year when Phil gets it wrong, then you may also be interested in the idea PETA has come up with. Free Phil from his weather predicting chains of oppression and replace him with a robot that can use actual weather data to make a science based prediction.
Their letter is actually pretty convincing and a switch to a robot groundhog would definitely raise interest in the Groundhog Day event. At least for the first year. Since the letter from PETA was sent out just this week, and Groundhog Day is Sunday, don't count on seeing a robot replacement at the event. You'll be more interested in the Superbowl anyways to care about Phil.