Rick Hamel builds RC airplanes and if we had to guess, he probably drinks RC cola. Dude loves all things RC. Except when he’s watching TV and loses the RC. Then it’s outright pandemonium. Anyway, the human erector set constructed this radio controlled fire-breathing dragon that torments paranoid senior citizens from above.

According to Boing Boing (via I Heart Chaos), the built-from-scratch creature is over 7 feet long and has a wing span of 9 feet. Thanks to liquid propane and a stun gun circuit, it can pull a Dylan and spit hot fire. If you’re thinking, “Holy frijole, this thing should win an award”, well, it did – ‘Best of Show’ at the Weak Signal event held in Toledo a few weeks ago.

Below are two videos of his handiwork at work. The first one shows off its flight potential. Like us, you may question the sounds generated. At first, you assume it’s the machine, but then you begin to suspect it’s the dude making the noises. The second one would be sweet for lighting a girl’s ciggie or a flaming Dr. Pepper shot.

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